Category POV Characters

POLL!: Which POV character’s story are you most interested in reading about?

The introductions are done, and I have posted a short summary for each of my nine POV characters for FOTS. You can find them all listed here. Each summary is very short. With enough votes, it may help me see which of my characters are more interesting to readers. For those who like voting on […]

POV: “Captain”

The Captain is one of the banished people, who now live on the south-east island of shame. It has been almost 500 years since the so-called Holy Ones were last seen on the mainland that the other nations now disrespectfully call Pentia. The name insinuates five peoples existence in the world, when in fact there […]

POV: “Academic”

The Academic lives in the great, shared, Holy City of Penta with her father, a Polarian councilman. For his young and bright, intelligent daughter, he has privately hired a prominent Kanari scholar to enhance her learning. It is a controversial move, as scholars are known to dabble with philosophical topics that extend far beyond the […]

POV: “Soldier”

The Soldier is a gifted talent, and has done well for himself. He has been in a few battles, performed exceptionally, and has received attention to the point of gaining his own king’s favour. From the outside his life appears to be great. Yet besides all of the positive happenings in his professional life, he […]

POV: “Pilgrim”

The Pilgrim is a young acolyte from the northern ‘new’ city of Pius. She spends much of her time being a voice of reason, trying her best to watch out for the two pranksters she has grown up with since childhood. Together with these best friends, the Pilgrim sets out on a spiritual adventure around […]

POV: “Senator”

The Senator spends most of his days in the Solan Senate, arguing and bickering with a hundred other old men on political issues. These days, one issue stands out above the rest. Their new neighbours to the western peninsula are pushing them to a point where violence may be the only option. These newcomers search […]

POV: “Exile”

The Exile’s story is one of true sorrow. He is the victim of horrible fate and circumstance, like an innocent man wrongfully convicted of a murder who is forced against all reason to spend the rest of his life in prison. The Exile relives his earliest memory, in which the last of his family was […]

POV: “Scout”

The Scout has chosen a popular path for those his age in his homeland. He has enlisted with the squads of the Watchers. The Watchers get to travel all over the country, from the dunes to the north, to the arid, rocky wastes to the west, the shores of the sea, and even to the […]

POV: “Archer”

The archer is pure of heart, an innocence born of inexperience due to a relatively sheltered and quiet past. It is thus unfortunate that her keen eye and skill with a bow did not go unnoticed, since it has brought her into the ranged ranks of the Talonian forces. Coming from a secluded city in […]

POV: “King”

The King of Askar is a peaceful man and a true believer in pacifism. He rules with compassion, prioritizing the needs of his people over his own. He takes great care in teaching his children what it means to rule, a great king in every way. Yet soon he finds that his kind choice to […]

POV: Intro

Next week, and every Friday after that for about two months, I’m going to be posting about my nine POV characters. These will be short introductory descriptions in a style of writing similar to what one might see on a book jacket. Look at it as a way to get introduced to them before reading […]

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