A successful first month & keeping faith in quality

My first post was on March 4th of this year, and after nearly one month I am more than happy with the reception. Eighteen fantastic followers have put some faith in me, some of whom will especially not be forgotten. I know there are more on the horizon and should any significant success come my way in the years to come, I will do something special for those who gave me their kindness and respect.

I will now say a few things. Firstly, when it comes down to it, I do not really care how many blog followers I receive or how many views I get on any given day. It is fun to monitor, and I am truly grateful for every person who takes time out of their day to read what I publish on FOTS Fantasy, but that is not what this is all about. My written project comes first and foremost as this is, after all, simply a preview blog. This project of mine is much older than the website.

One of my favourite musical artists said fairly recently on his Twitter that anyone involved in creating must work hard, and keep faith in themselves and their work. Spamming comment sections with links to your page on the internet will get you nowhere at all, he said, and it is 100% true. You must believe in your abilities and strive to create quality. Someone out there will see it for the quality it is, and being so happy and proud of their find, they will show others, and the ripple will grow into a wave.

Second, and lastly, I would like to say something about myself and my goals. To any doubters who may be there now, or will come in the future I will tell you that I am not “full of shit”. This project is very real and whether it ends up being the greatest thing ever or a bust, you’ll someday be able to pick it up and buy it. I am no stranger to success and my ambition for this is sky high.

So, instead of ending on a tense note, what comes next? A whole lot, that’s what! I have the next two months, 20-ish posts or so, already mapped out (I believe it’s my German half which Must plan for everything). I will also be releasing an excerpt sample definitely before mid-May. Thanks again, everyone!

© 2013 FOTS Fantasy


  1. Keep it up, I’ve been going for just over a Year and you have shared more of your world and by the looks of it have a more solid idea of what you want to write. Looking forward to May to see the excerpt!

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