Monthly Archives: March 2013


Culture is an aspect of world building that can be under-appreciated, but no proper world can live without it. Since it is more intangible than other things you may read about, the importance of culture is sometimes overlooked, but culture is the closest part of world building to characters. If you have ever read the […]


Every present has a past, and an imaginary world is no different. I can’t say how many times I have been reading a fantasy series, and no matter how great the present story is, I just want to get to the next section where the epic and glorious history is explained further. This must be […]

How it all began

The idea for this project came to me sometime last year (2012). It used the bare-bones of an idea I had years ago, and while this updated version is barely recognizable to the old idea, that was the origin of my inspiration. I really can’t remember the exact first time it happened, but when it […]

World Building: Setting ground-rules and holding to them

If you aren’t sure exactly what world building is, I would define it as both the creation and conveyance of anything, and almost everything, that goes into a story that is outside of the present storyline and characters. It is feeding the reader with knowledge of the fictional world‘s many aspects, where all of the […]


Religion plays a role of significance for many of the characters in this story. The nations of the main continent, on which the present story takes place, are strongly devoted to a religion. Their faith is directed towards a Holy Leader, viewed as a saviour, and his Host. They arrived on the mainland around five […]


Magic is prevalent in every great work of fantasy fiction, from Steven Erikson‘s genius ‘warrens’ in The Malazan Book of the Fallen, to George R.R. Martin‘s and Tolkien‘s more subtle use of magic, known to exist yet is uncommon, forgotten, its details a mystery to the reader where only the results are known. Here is […]


Most of the more popular fantasy novels have a time period setting similar to the dark ages, with knights, chain and plate armour, and castles. I, however, have always been drawn to ancient history, of places like Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon, etc. The time period setting of my own world reflects this and will have […]

Low Elo Life

Real tips for the largest group in League

The Dark Prince Quintet

A blog dedicated to the development of books in The Dark Prince series

The Lair of Nate

Thoughts Sculpted Into Words

D. James Fortescue

Chasing dreams!

The Writing Corp

Official Writing Tips, Inspiration and Hacks

The War of Memory Project

Project diary for a fantasy series in the works.

Fabulous Realms

Worlds of Fantasy, Folklore, Myth and Legend

Plotting Bunnies

Words are oxygen

H L Petrovic

@ High Fantasy Addict. Fantasy Writer

K. M. Alexander

Writer & Gadabout

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

FOTS Fantasy

Fragments of a vast new world, the writing journey, and book reviews.

Travel Monkey

The Adventures of Kongo

Auston Habershaw

Fantasy Author, Creator of Worlds Fantastic

Story Tips

Get Published


Write Your Own Story

Another Castle

All things nerd.