
If you have any questions about anything in particular, or have some suggestions on what you would like to see more of, please leave a comment below. You can be sure that I will read it!


  1. I have a question: how’s the writing doing? It’s been awfully quiet on your blog. I hope you’re still believing in your writing projects?

    1. I have been quiet, haven’t I? It’s because I’ve been so busy lately (wow, a month goes by so quickly!). A couple of reunion weekends this month had me out of town, and I’m just starting a new job on Monday so there’s been plenty of preparation. I think once I get settled into a new routine I’ll have more posts up.

      The ideas are still swimming healthily. The trouble is I’ve been contemplating a significant restructuring of my main project’s series outline. I’ve ran into some difficulties with having a few weak chapters I don’t like much that unfortunately affect everything around them, but I should have that part figured out soon.

      How’s it been with you??

      1. Good to hear your writing project is still alive and kicking, if mostly in your head atm. Real life does get in the way at times, not always unpleasantly so.

        As for me, I’ve been taking a break from editing to finish my exam assignment of the course I’m taking. I hope to graduate in december. I’ve been writing short stories and other short fiction to keep in practice. And I’ve been breathing life back into my blog.

        Good luck on the new job! And hope to see you back on your project soon.

        1. Best of luck on the graduation! Sounds like you’ve been keeping productive which is great to hear. Hope all goes well with the editing too, once you get back into it full-time.

  2. How would you like to join up with me and a few others in building a new world? We are thinking of a collaboration and then inviting any and all writers to add their stories to our world. Interested?

    1. Yes, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun and it would give me a space to practice my craft. I should be able to find time to contribute to it. Please, keep me posted!

      1. Alright. Be thinking of an area that you would want to craft. I am working up a desert area where insect race battles reptile race while the humans rule the magic. Paul is creating a race of dragon riders and pitting them against sea creatures. Just let your imagination run wild and we will get this thing cranking.
        What is your email addy?

        1. Awesome. I like that I can create my own races (woo hoo!). With what you’ve said, I think I will create some other races while at least using magic wielding humans in some way. I’ll brainstorm during the week. My blog email that I use is Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. like the site, keep up the writing,

    1. Thank you very much! Best of luck with your novella.

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