Category Pentia A-Z

Pentia A-Z: G is for Garden of the Masters

The Garden of the Masters, or Garden of Greats, is a burial site lying outside of the Talonian capital. There, the great Masters of the past are buried in their tombs. From afar, the buildings of the garden that house the dead are low and hidden from view, beneath growth and behind hills. Within the cover […]

Pentia A-Z: F is for Flight

These things I am about to tell you, reader, are unknown to the Pentians. Even the present Shora do not know most of these details of their past. Why did they leave their southern island? Why are they here? The Shora’s endless wars between its two rivals, the Aquari of the west and the Esteri of the east […]

Pentia A-Z: E is for Exile

This Exile is not the aforementioned POV character “The Exile”. It also stands for a landmark in the southern nation of Sola. It is the name of the westernmost mountain of the Cloud Tops, and for the immediate surrounding lands at the foot of the mountain. Beneath Exile lies a labyrinth of natural dark tunnels […]

Pentia A-Z: D is for Daren

Daren is a Talonian ranger. He comes from the capital, Talon, the second-largest city in the world. Like other Talonians, he has the typical brown hair and brown eyes. A ranger in the Talonian military ranged forces has national guard duties. They do not hunt and carry letters from place to place like other archers […]

Pentia A-Z: C is for Caristoss

Caristoss is the name of The Leader, the religious prophet worshipped by the five nations of Pentia. He is not commonly referred to by his actual name, but it is well known. Four-hundred and ninety years ago, he landed on the desert shores with his Host during the Final War. He and His Host were […]

Pentia A-Z: B is for Blesina

Blesina is the new capital city of the Banished People. It is situated on a north-west corner of the large, south-east island (full map will be up soon). The city has an “oversized” port (much larger than the above picture), but little else is known. The island is mostly a mystery as its new inhabitants […]

Pentia A-Z: A is for Askar

Askar is both the name of a city and a nation. The city of Askar, the capital of the north-east nation, houses the Askarian King and his household. The city is not the largest in the nation, but is central to politics and international trade. Much of the nation’s population lives in a harsh and […]

Pentia A-Z

I have seen a few other blogs using an A-Z collection as a way to share some content in a random and fun way. I think this is a wonderful idea, so I’m going to do the same. The letters will represent people, locations, and important words that provide more insight into this world. Be […]

Low Elo Life

Real tips for the largest group in League

The Dark Prince Quintet

A blog dedicated to the development of books in The Dark Prince series

The Lair of Nate

Thoughts Sculpted Into Words

D. James Fortescue

Chasing dreams!

The Writing Corp

Official Writing Tips, Inspiration and Hacks

The War of Memory Project

Project diary for a fantasy series in the works.

Fabulous Realms

Worlds of Fantasy, Folklore, Myth and Legend

Plotting Bunnies

Words are oxygen

H L Petrovic

@ High Fantasy Addict. Fantasy Writer

K. M. Alexander

Writer & Gadabout

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

FOTS Fantasy

Fragments of a vast new world, the writing journey, and book reviews.

Travel Monkey

The Adventures of Kongo

Auston Habershaw

Fantasy Author, Creator of Worlds Fantastic

Story Tips

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Another Castle

All things nerd.