Reasons for my inactivity/ Story restructuring challenges

I’ll split this post into two sections noted in the title.

Reasons for my hiatus:

It has been a while since I last posted on this blog, I know. There’s no denying it. But I have my reasons, and good ones too. Just to give a brief update, in early November my horrifyingly long job hunt came to an end (woo-hoo!). In the few weeks that I had before the first day, I did all the preparation I could, and was also able to finally meet up with friends who live a few hours away that I hadn’t seen in months and months because I had been sitting on a dwindling supply of money.

While my writing projects have been going great this past year, and I am a positive person no matter what, in all seriousness, 2013 had been (until November), my life’s rock bottom. I was hiding from my potential, not working hard enough to do what I am certainly capable of, and at times without the various supporting resources to do anything about it when I actually did want to.  Thank goodness that’s over with!

These reunions with close friends, among a few other things, were life changing moments, and in the month-and-a-bit since then, not only have I climbed out of the dark hole I was in, but with all the things I chose to learn while stuck in the pit instead of withering away, and with the correct, healthy mindset I have now and will continue to have, I have launched myself far away from that place, never to return.

Simply put, I have been having a great time. I love the job, the company and all its generous perks, my social life has rarely been so active even though I still live relatively distant (for the time being, anyway). NOW that I have some solid ground beneath me, I can move forward one step at a time, day by day, accomplishing many little things that will accumulate in the months and years to come. And despite all the good-fortune recently, I have maintained the long-term belief that this still is truly step 1. I understand that eventually this ‘high’ will wear off.

I don’t know where I fell off the path, but I’m back to feeling even better than before and it’s pretty awesome. So that is why I have not had the time to post and write much lately. I think that will change eventually, but for now I’m just having too much effin’ fun! 😀

Restructuring Challenges (FotS):

Recently, a thought occurred to me that there is probably a different (better) way to structure my main series project, FOTS, and it is going to take some time now to figure out how that should be done. Originally the series was meant for 5 novels of medium length, but now I think that some of it can be consolidated into a smaller number of total words. This change does not affect the later plans much, since I only had the key plot events designed for those, but for what I already have for book one, the changes won’t be easy.

A few of the sections I have written are just…not enough, you know? Most of my POVs have meaningful, interesting stories thus far, but some appear to have too much ‘who cares?’ in their chapters. Unfortunately, the way I structured the book one outline was quite detailed and it really worked well within itself. Making changes to anything will affect the rest. At the moment, I’m not sure what to do exactly. Perhaps I will have to eliminate a character and introduce them later on when they are meant to play a larger role, pick up the pace, who knows? It’ll be much improved though once it is figured out.

Thanks for reading!

© 2013 FOTS Fantasy


  1. Congratulations on finding a job! I’m glad to hear that life is going well, I hope it continues to do so!
    As for restructuring your story, I know how difficult a process that can be. Keep your chin up and do your best!
    Take care,

    1. Great advice! All the best to you, too.

  2. Welcome back! Good to hear life’s good 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Emmy. Hope everything is going well with you! 🙂

  3. D. James Fortescue · · Reply

    Awesome news with the job and catching up with friends. Great to hear, and I hope everything is onwards and upwards for you.

    Should I not hear from you before, happy Festive Season and I hope 2014 continues the streak of awesomeness =)

    1. Thanks, James! Same goes double for you 🙂 and have a great Holidays as well.

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